
Youth Food Justice Conference

Save the Date: Saturday, September 14th

If you are a youth-based organization working in urban agriculture, sustainability, food justice or advoacy reach out to to learn more about participating in our conference.

Teens for Food Justice Conference 2024

Teachers College Food Ed Hub Conference 2024

Making Brooklyn Bloom Conference 2023


Youth Food Justice Organizing Institute 2022 Milestones

 NYC Vegetarian Food Festival + Symposium

The Vegetarian Food Festival + Symposium was a fantastic chance for our network and interns because we were invited to educate children and adults how to create their own sub-irrigated planter using water bottles, which is the process of watering plants from below the soil line.

We've discovered that this method is incredibly efficient; it saves a lot of water because self-watering planters use far less watering while still maintaining a healthy growing environment. Self-watering plants save you time by allowing you to accomplish other things while the plant is being watered.


Spring 2022: Teens for Food Justice Student Leadership Conference

Students from all four boroughs of New York City gathered to show off and share their food justice and advocacy projects. 

This was a fantastic experience for our interns because hearing from these different youth programs about the work they've been doing is incredibly exciting, and it allows us to see what's going on all around the city.